We make your house sparkle

Let us do the cleaning, so you don't have too. We are a Tacoma based cleaning service that does regular house cleaning, and one-off deep cleanings.


Come home
to a clean house

Regularly Scheduled
per cleaning hour
In home estimate will be given for a fixed rate
Deep Cleaning
starting at
One time services / move in-out

We are Simpson Cleaning Solutions

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is included in a regular cleaning?

MemberStack charges a flat transaction fee of 10% on the Startup plan and 3% on the Pro plan, and 1% on the Scale plan. Stripe charges an additional credit card processing fee that depends on a few different factors. See Stripe's pricing for more details.

What is included in a deep cleaning?

MemberStack charges a flat transaction fee of 10% on the Startup plan and 3% on the Pro plan, and 1% on the Scale plan. Stripe charges an additional credit card processing fee that depends on a few different factors. See Stripe's pricing for more details.

Do you use eco friendly products?

MemberStack charges a flat transaction fee of 10% on the Startup plan and 3% on the Pro plan, and 1% on the Scale plan. Stripe charges an additional credit card processing fee that depends on a few different factors. See Stripe's pricing for more details.

I have pets, is that alright?

MemberStack charges a flat transaction fee of 10% on the Startup plan and 3% on the Pro plan, and 1% on the Scale plan. Stripe charges an additional credit card processing fee that depends on a few different factors. See Stripe's pricing for more details.

Will you change my sheets?

MemberStack charges a flat transaction fee of 10% on the Startup plan and 3% on the Pro plan, and 1% on the Scale plan. Stripe charges an additional credit card processing fee that depends on a few different factors. See Stripe's pricing for more details.

Will you do my laundry?

MemberStack charges a flat transaction fee of 10% on the Startup plan and 3% on the Pro plan, and 1% on the Scale plan. Stripe charges an additional credit card processing fee that depends on a few different factors. See Stripe's pricing for more details.

Your clean house is a click away
Schedule an appointment to get started.